If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, you have 14 days to return your item(s), whether you purchased it in store or from the point you received or collected your online order. If the item is new and unused, with all the labels and tags intact, and in its original packaging, you’ll get a full refund.
Please read our online Returns Policy for full details.
Return exceptions
Please note: if you are returning an online purchase to us via the post we can only offer you a refund and not an exchange. Your purchase can however be exchanged in any of our stores.
Return or exchange in store
You can refund or exchange online orders at any of our stores. Simply bring your items, your delivery note and your payment card (unless you paid by gift card, e-voucher or PayPal or Alipay) for a full refund.
Items must be returned within 14 days of delivery or collection.
For further details please see our Terms and Conditions.
If you paid for your order using a debit or credit card then your refund will be issued to your original payment card within five (5) days. If you paid for your Order using a gift card or e-voucher and you return it to one of our stores, then you will be refunded on a gift card. Alternatively, if you paid for your Order using PayPal or Alipay and you return it to one of our stores, then you will be refunded with a gift card.
Returns by post
Returning your items by post is a simple.
Fill in your returns label
You will find the returns label in the original packaging of your item – if you are
returning several items in different parcels, you will need a separate label for each
parcel being returned
Fill in the quantity you want to return and the reason for returning the item (please
select one of the "return codes" to explain your reason for the return)
Peel the label off and attach it to the outside of your parcel
It is important that you use the returns label and that we receive your parcel within
14 days of you having originally received the item so that we can identify your order
and process your refund
Post your parcel
You can post your parcel at any Royal Mail Post Office.
Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for anything lost or damaged in
If you wish to return items to us from outside the UK, please also complete the returns form and label.
Please note: due to compliance reasons, the return of fragrance, aerosols or any products containing a lithium battery cannot be accepted from outside the UK.
Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for anything lost or damaged in
All returns delivery charges will be at the expense of the Customer.
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